Collection: Losi xxx-cr

From the world-renowned Losi® engineering team, who has been developing revolutionary race-winning vehicles for over 25 years, comes the latest track tested, Competition-Ready (CR) 2WD buggy. The XXX-CR carries on Losi’s tradition of offering racers the most innovative designs and top-of-the-line features in a racing vehicle. The Losi development team has worked long and hard to refine and redesign where needed to take full advantage of the latest hi-output batteries and hi-performance motors. With thousands of laps and countless hours of engineering put in, the result is a buggy that is both consistent and predictable. This makes it easier for even the average driver to turn faster times, lap after lap. Additionally, the XXX-CR represents the latest developments in material composition for more durability than any buggy you’ve ever driven. The XXX-CR is one of the most technologically advanced race buggies ever developed, and further demonstrates Losi’s commitment to putting racers 1st.